Hi guys!
We have a 9 acre (mostly cleared) block we are slowwwly transitioning to a place of permaculture abundance. In our garden design, I wanted to incorporate an area for berries. I was thinking of having a "berry cage" sort of design. We have the space and will need to keep out a little bit of livestock. I have acquired some thornless blackberries, raspberries and I did have blueberries but our cows had a taste for them and pushed past the mesh.
I was thinking of having a row of different varieties of blueberries. What are your favourites? We are in Heat Zone 7, Cold Zone 9-- so they will need to be frost tolerant.
Do you think planting strawberries underneath the berry bushes would be a bad idea?
Also What are your other favourite berries?
Also, is there anybody experienced that has advice regarding my best strategy for my berry cage or what obstacles do you think I will need to overcome or be mindful of?
Have a berry beautiful day,
- Emily