Steve Lepley

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since Apr 23, 2023
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Recent posts by Steve Lepley

My response to the question is Yes, have fun and enjoy your efforts and failures.
1 month ago
Then call me, 931 581 6167, I am very much interested. Lets discover more and then decide. I am willing. Steve
Lock them up in the coop and put steel traps around, is there a bunch of dogs that roam around you?
1 year ago
Plant turnips and clover for a winter cover crop, the disc and disc. each yr plant again
1 year ago
I would not suggest using a power saw, maybe a hand saw, but pruning is mostly done using knife. Topping or limb removal saw would be fine, dead wood removal saw would be fine. pruning , grafting, knifes.
1 year ago
Contact me lets find out more about each other
Hello I am seeking a female companion to live with me in the mountains of Middle Tennessee. I have 32 acres and would enjoy a companion. I am a 68 yr old white male.