Joy Hancock

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since Jun 28, 2023
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Enjoy gardening, cooking, & chicken keeping on our small 1/4 acre! If we can do it, you can do it!
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Recent posts by Joy Hancock

These turned out well! I'd like to sell a few. I made the oil infusion by blending the dried flowerheads with sunflower oil. Then I poured that in a double boiler and let it heat on low (120 degrees) for about 5 hours. Then I strained it. To make the salve, I melted the beeswax in the oil, added a little vitamin E and poured into tins.
1 month ago
๐Ÿšœ ๐—”๐—ง๐—ง๐—˜๐—ก๐—ง๐—œ๐—ข๐—ก: ๐—”๐—น๐—น ๐—›๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€, ๐— ๐—ฎ๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€ & ๐—ฆ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—น ๐—•๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜€๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐—ช๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—ฆ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—น ๐—ข๐—ป๐—น๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ! ๐Ÿ›’

Looking for a place to sell your homesteading, homemaking, or homeschooling products? Farm Where You Live Marketplace is now accepting vendors!

โœ… Low 5% Commission โ€“ No Listing Fees!
โœ… Reach Customers Who Love the Homesteading Lifestyle
โœ… Keep Control โ€“ You Set Prices, Manage Inventory & Ship Orders
โœ… Faith-Based Marketplace with a Like-Minded Community

Join a marketplace built for small farms, artisans, and self-sufficient living. Get your products in front of buyers who truly appreciate handmade, homegrown, and sustainable goods!

๐Ÿ’ป ๐—”๐—ฝ๐—ฝ๐—น๐˜† ๐˜๐—ผ๐—ฑ๐—ฎ๐˜† & ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐˜ ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—น๐—น๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด!
1 month ago
I made tallow and this time I knew what I was doing!

I followed the instructions in this video by a Youtuber that I follow:

The end result was almost 1 quart (4 cups) but I also submitted tallow in another badge bit submission below where I made 2 cups, so the total is a little under 6 cups (quart and a half)

What I did:
I cut the tallow into small pieces, put it in the Instapot and filled with 2 quarts water. I used the "slow cooker" option and cooked it on low for 6 hours. Poured it into a bowl and put in the fridge overnight. The next day I scraped off the bottom and repeated the process (to have a more purified tallow). The third day, I heated up the tallow in a pot on low/medium to boil out the water. Once the bubbles stopped, I poured it into silicone mini muffin trays - to pull out of the freezer and use as needed!
Pseudonym - Friend R

Issue - He was coming down with something in January. He had a sore throat, cough, tiredness. He went to the doctor who said he had either a cold or bronchitis. When he contacted me, he had been sick a few days. The doctor gave him an antibiotic, but he also wanted to know what natural remedies could help.

Suggestions - I suggested 3 things
1. Take 1 tbsp of fire cider twice a day for 5 days, then go down to once a day (I made this - see fire cider BB
2. Drink bone broth or have bone broth soup every day for a few days
3. Drink mullein leaf tea to bring up the phloem

What he did
- He said the fire cider helped the most, he was faithful to take 1 tbsp twice a day. He said he felt better the very next day!
- He did drink chicken bone broth a few times.
- He did not drink the tea.

He is still taking the fire cider once a day to keep sickness at bay. It's powerful stuff!

1 month ago
Hello! My name is Joy. I would love to be added to this list!

I started investing in the SKIP program in the summer of 2023. Iโ€™ve learned lots of new skills and have also discovered new interests through this program. I teach English as a Second Language online to children in other countries. Iโ€™ve been an ESL teacher for 4 years now and itโ€™s my dream job. I have the flexibility to work from anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection!

My husband and I have a garden and 7 chickens on 1/4 acre in the city currently, but we would love to have more land. We have an interest in regenerative agriculture, working with nature, and restoring the soil. Weโ€™ve implemented biochar into our garden along with 18 day compost. Last summer we built a moveable chicken coop together with plans from Sow the Land, a channel on Youtube. We have been to homesteading fairs and enjoy learning and trying new things.

I really enjoy herbalism and would love to pursue a course in that. I currently sell herbal salves and products through my Facebook page The Herbal Home. I plan to sell at a local homesteading fair this year in the spring.

Other interests for me are canning, crocheting, and needle felting. I currently have 101 badge bits. They are mostly in nest, textiles, natural medicine, food prep & preservation, and animal care. A badge bit that Iโ€™m proud of is weaving a basket.

My husband has been pursuing the SKIP program as well and has skills in plumbing and electrical. He is good at problem solving. His interests are in gardening, animal care, and foraging.

Some things we would like to have on a homestead are more animals with paddock shifting, beekeeping, a food forest, and perhaps a small orchard. Our focus would be sustainable living and permaculture principles. Although we both have the ability to work from anywhere, we would like to be able to generate income from the homestead and grow or raise a major portion of what we eat.

Weโ€™re not picky about the acreage or type of homestead. Ideally, we would stay on the east coast of the US, but we may be flexible. We would love to chat more or answer any questions you may have!
Is there anything on the Quinn list that would apply to helping someone get rid of a scar? I have a calendula salve that I am going to help a friend with.
2 months ago
I would like to request my Natural Medicine sand badge!

1. Dry comfrey leaf for a tea, infusion, or decoction -
2. Create an infusion of lemon balm leaf -
3. Make a garlic bulb decoction -
4. Make a calendula blossom tincture -
5. Make fire cider -
6. Make an oil infusion of tulsi (holy basil leaf) -
7. Make ginger gummies -
8. Make a tulsi leaf salve -
9. Make an aloe leaf poultice -
2 months ago
This badge bit should finally get me the Natural Medicine sand badge!

I was proud of all the things I grew myself! After straining, it made 2 quart jars (4 pints).

Harvested myself
- Onions
- Garlic
- Lime from my husbandโ€™s lime tree
- Horseradish
- Turmeric
- Cayenne pepper fruit - harvested from my friendโ€™s plant
- Rosemary, dried
- Parsley, dried (added to recipe)

- Jalapeno peppers - I actually grew jalapeรฑos but I forgot to save some for this!
- Ginger - does not grow here
- More horseradish - I didnโ€™t quite have enough from the plant I harvested
2 months ago
I bought some calendula seeds from Johnny's Seeds last year and they grew so well! I got the "alpha" variety.

I followed the instructions in the book "The Healing Garden" to make the oil. The oil I used is sunflower oil and I also added vitamin E.

I plan to make salves with this infused oil!
2 months ago
I had some parsley to use up, so I made a tincture. I used a 1:2 ratio in 95% Everclear, putting it in a dark cabinet for 4 weeks, shaking every day or two.

I read that parsley is a diuretic so it's good for kidney stones & urinary tract infections. I also read that it helps remove toxins from the blood, reduces pulmonary congestion, and helps with bad breath.
3 months ago