David Winn

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since Jun 30, 2023
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Disabled individual with mental, but not physical illness ( besides the usual diabetes, and cholesterol issues... lol ).  Partnered with an amazing girlfriend, and with way too much money on my hands to be good for me.  Seeking land in South Central Missouri, to begin building/buying forever home.

MI is totally treated by meds, and completely functional due to that, but Catch-22, can't afford meds off of disability.
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Rolla, Missouri
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Recent posts by David Winn

would love to meet you.... I live in Phelps County, Missouri.
....and here is a photo that I made a few years ago in Newburg Missouri...
1 year ago

Trace Oswald wrote:As far as your internet connection, I have Starlink and it's outstanding, but kind of expensive.  Still it's my only option and I'm very grateful to have it.  

As far as shelter, I'm partial to Mike Oehler's underground house plan.  I'm not currently using it, but if I were uprooted today and starting with bare land, that is the way I would go.  I would use concrete piers under my posts up to 6 inches or so above ground to get around the post rotting issues, but other than that, I would follow his plans.  

Best of luck.

Cool, I will look into the house plans.... IDK about starlink, but I can research that
1 year ago
Hi there, My name is David. I'm disabled with a MI, meds keep me totally stable, however, the Catch-22 is that they're very expensive without socialized insurance.  So I remain on disability, and work part time to support myself.

I am planning/researching beginning a homestead for myself and my S/O partner.  I would like to settle in Central or South Central Missouri.  I am searching for land that I can get a decent internet connection on ( I know, next to impossible, lolz ), and begin creating.

Wondering what would be the best shelter to begin creating a home!?  any ideas anyone?

anyway, here's a selfie that I'm gonna use as my profile pic, and I'll work on adding a banner pic soon.

I'm a big computer geek, so my homestead plans include systems such as aquaponics, and solar power.

Thanks, David Winn
1 year ago
David Winn here, interested in more information on your property in Versailles.  573-202-8164
1 year ago