In addition to the poles driven down into the soil, it would be beneficial to use some biochar when incorporating the poles. After this, it would make sense to use primarily liquid fertilizer like compost tea, biochar slurries, weed juice, bacterial mineral water, or some other KNF or JADAM concoction.
I initially thought to try and differ the rot resistance of the wood poles by choosing different species. But, I think as long as they're hardwoods, and not allelopathic then this consideration is not as useful.
As they decompose, I am hoping they will, at some point, connect with the other poles driven in the area through the activity of roots, fungi, and other soil microbes. Once I have land of my own I am excited to try this, especially with heavy clay and/or compacted soil, in order to determine real numbers. Things like pole spacing, time, viability, and the like. Obviously, this system will not work with root crops, certain annuals, and any crop that requires conventional tillage, but the possibilities excite me!