Cornie Driedger

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since Aug 10, 2023
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Recent posts by Cornie Driedger

Fly Lee wrote:Hi permies community!

My name is Fly Lee. I am 35 and am looking for a female (Age is not a factor) to go off grid with. It does not have to be in the states and would prefer out of the country. I have been dreaming of this for a while now but have no experience in off grid living. I know it will be hard work but the hard work doesn't scare me. I just want to live free. Living in the city is so suffocating and is not the life for me. Every time I see nature, I am always in awe at the beautiful world that is given to us be we take it for granted by polluting it all for the sake of $$$. I have some money saved up to make necessary purchases for this kind of living and am ready to take on this adventurous living.

Hi if you were interested in living off grid I’m definitely looking for somebody that would like to you’re interested text me at 403-352-1227 and my name is cornie I’d love to hear from you