Lilace Green

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since Aug 27, 2023
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When a big object only moves a couple feet a day until it's where it's supposed to be 😬
1 year ago
Hello. I am in a bit of a bind. My relationship is going downhill and we rent our house and land from their father. If we break up I am going to be left with no land but all of my animals and infrastructure (because I paid for them and did all the work). It's possible to relocate to my parents moderate acreage but not ideal at all. I have a lot of knowledge and am no stranger to hard work. I want to live as primitively as possible and don't need an actual house. I'm putting feelers out to see if there are any communities or homesteaders that could another hand and has space for my animals? 2 pigs, chickens, quail, pigeons, rabbits, cats and dogs. I raise mostly everything in moveable pens or tractors on pasture and grow other feed for them. I only work one day a week, I have enough money to get myself somewhere but that's it. I can feed myself. I don't want to leave Missouri. (23, F). *I love people and am very drawn to being part of a community or tribe*
I am in such a similar situation! I'm only 23 (F) and still with my high school sweetheart. We had sat down when we graduated and had a serious discussion about the life we wanted to live but it's been 5 years and I've gotten next to 0 support or help. We rent our house and land from his father though so im next to fucked if we break up. My parents have a bit of land but we don't get along very well and the barn is collapsing. I'd definitely have to build a shack or something to live way I'd last very long inside the house with them. I'm very much a people person though and hate to be alone. It's a very confusing and horrible situation. I'm glad you have an inheritance coming, leave her before you get it and go live your dream!!
1 year ago