Isaiah Apoksy

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since Aug 27, 2023
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Recent posts by Isaiah Apoksy

Aloha, I have the eyes to see and ears to hear. My background is in filmmaking and media production .media literacy. by any means necesssary.  I was an executive chef for nearly 12 years (it continues). I spent three years in deep southern Mexico building permaculture environments (lakes, rocket stoves, inverse siphoning, domes, etc.) I have electrical engineering experience and a productive idea for power generation and complex off-grid solutions. If you still read this forum, i'm in Idaho as well, writing for a newspaper and preparing community solutions. Ready to move and join people who can also see. Joy!
1 year ago

I'm super stoked to have found this site!

I'm a multimedia artist and creator, ex-professional chef, skilled in digital/analog creations focused on video/music/sound design, write and photograph for a local newspaper.

I have experience with permaculture, construction, landscaping and water management among other things useful that only comes with experience. How much can you reasonably pack into an introduction?

45 years of observing, acting and creating.

Feel free to reach out to chat. Im currently caretaking a homestead in Idaho with my gf although we are looking, with much excitement, to finding a community that shares our love of remembering and activating our connection with the great mother earth. The isolation and separation from culture leaves much to be sought and created.

My gf is a talented gardener, mountain mama and visual artist who also works with Solfeggio frequencies in sound healing, yoga, and building in the physical as well as spiritual (oh how they are intertwined).

We are open to relocate and help build a self-sustaining infrastructure during these bizarre times.

1 year ago