eva guo

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since Sep 14, 2023
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Recent posts by eva guo

Hi Micah,

I just PM'd as well, but want to write that I too love wool and linen. My fave textiles. I made a YouTube video in fact extolling the virtues of one of my fave brands, Icebreaker - love their merino wool.
5 months ago
F in Portugal, But Possibly Moving

I have an acre in Portugal, but being on my own and having no homebuilding skills has made living on my land challenging. I'd love to find a partner/soulmate, roommate, friend, travel buddy or workawayer. It's so hard being isolated, I'm thinking of moving to Taiwan, where I have family and where the food is the best in the world imo. Before I move, I intend to go back to France and Italy because "food."

I like to read (photo is with Mikel Jollett at one of his book signings - this one was in Portland before his concert with TATE), alpine ski, hike, camp, bicycle, play and listen to music. I've lived in Taiwan, Las Vegas, Lake Tahoe, California, England, Portugal, Oregon. I'm a multidisciplinary artist; some of my art can be found on Foundation (poeva.eth).
5 months ago
Thank you, Max!!

Wishing we both do well and find what we seek!

Max Daix wrote:Thanks for your message of support.

It takes a long time, learning the homesteading ropes.

I hope your adventures continue in a positive direction Eva =)

eva guo wrote:Hi Max,

Your land is lovely! I'm in Portugal at the moment on my little plot of land.

It's been hard because I've been isolated for so long, even before Covid and way before moving to Portugal - I'm thinking of moving to Taiwan. Also, I'm so unskilled in homesteading, if I don't get help soon, I'm probably going back to regular city life.

Good luck with everything.

5 months ago
I'll be visiting friends in Empoli in September. Are you near there?
5 months ago
Hi Max,

Your land is lovely! I'm in Portugal at the moment on my little plot of land.

It's been hard because I've been isolated for so long, even before Covid and way before moving to Portugal - I'm thinking of moving to Taiwan. Also, I'm so unskilled in homesteading, if I don't get help soon, I'm probably going back to regular city life.

Good luck with everything.

5 months ago
I wanted to do cob too, and spent a ton of time watching YouTube videos on cob. I also researched hempcrete. But ended up buying a wood gypsy caravan that has no cross ventilation. It's bloody hot right now, and I wish I could find someone to cut a hole for me so I can cross ventilate this oven

Good luck finding someone!! I'm looking too.
5 months ago
Hi Bri,

I'm currently offgrid in Portugal. It hasn't been easy for me.

I did a year abroad during college at the University of Hull - it was awesome bc I met so many cool people. But England is soooooo cold.

I'd be interested in chatting with you about how you're faring with offgrid life.

5 months ago
I think I'm coming up on 8 years . . . it's been hard for me too. I moved onto my land about 4 months ago after solar was installed. But I don't have really much else - no running water, no bathroom, no kitchen, no oven (well, I sort of made a rocket stove; but I'm not allowed to have open flames during fire season; plus it's too hot now to use it anyway). I'm thinking I'm going to move to Asia. Ha ha. But I'm serious. I think if I had just one person here to help me and/or be in a relationship with me or an investment partner in this endeavour or a platonic friend, maybe I could hang in here.

But bathing, for instance, takes a looooooong time, because of all of the things I need to do. How do I wash dishes or do laundry?

Anyway, I hope you find someone. I hope I find someone! If anyone is interested in living part time in Europe and part time in Taiwan and part time in Japan, let's chat!
5 months ago
Thank you for your kindness!!

Robert Ray wrote:We all start at zero, you'll be fine.

7 months ago