I put cardboard down I put mycelium after straw mycelium again mycelium and then wood chips I think it is about 10 cm it was ok and the presence of healthy mycelium areas around June
hello, I have been cultivating mushrooms for two years, pleurotus and various species, in the two years I learned that in mycology it is more about patience, but in my bed you can no longer see the trace of the mycelium, as if it has disappeared
This year I inoculated the area I used mycelium on sawdust in straw and wood chips the bed looks good in June but we had hot summer days with 40 degrees in July I made sure to maintain the humidity and watered quite often
I used a mix of straw with wood chips, I also used mycelium on sawdust, but I also have other beds with mycelium on grains where I have better activity
hello, I inoculated some areas of wine cap in May, I checked the beds these days and no trace of the mycelium can be seen, do you have any idea what's going on?
I inoculated with beech sawdust, I use sawdust from briquettes, sterilized meru, the mycelium grows slowly and at the end it has contamination with green mold, that's why meru, I think maybe it works directly outside
how to grow winecap directly with the grain in the straw or to make sawdust which works better i have never tried to throw the grain directly in the straw mulch?
[I know about this list but I also looked at other list and saw that shiitake would go on ash and I thought that someone who has experienced shiitake with ash can answer me