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Moses Taylor

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since Jan 12, 2024
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Recent posts by Moses Taylor

Marie Plante wrote:Hello, it is nice to meet you. I am a 20 yr old conservative Christian female from Canada, BC.
I follow biblical teachings and have a good relationship with God. I have been looking for someone likeminded, but have not had much luck either at my location. I would love to chat & hope you have a nice day!
7 months ago
I came here looking for a conservative type of people mainly Christan... There's just not a lot of that here, I'm hoping to find somewhere there is homesteaders together that are really conservative and Christian...
10 months ago
I always forget to mention things but I've never dated and proudly still a virgin, but also if your reading this and have the same heart as me, the reason I decided to make this post was because thinking about how Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac so they aren't always close by...