Tyler Leas

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since Jan 20, 2024
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The right dog will keep them away.

Has to be a smart dog tho, otherwise they will lure it out and kill it. Growing up we had an Australian shepherd/ Golden retriever cross that did the trick. He would bark and growl at them all night some times but he wouldn't go farther than maybe 10 yards from the house.

They're not too hard to shoot if youre able and patient. Never gonna shoot them all but as smart as they are they will learn to be leary of your property at least.
6 months ago
Thank you all for the awesome stuff that i learned reading this thread.
6 months ago
Awesome!! Really like how it turned out.
8 months ago
Does ferrocement break down over time affecting soil pH? And is that what the linseed oil is for?
8 months ago
Hair dryer.

The nits can't survive being dehydrated. Idk if it kills the lice but it makes them alot easier to find.
9 months ago