Ashlyn RothmN

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since Feb 26, 2024
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Recent posts by Ashlyn RothmN

Myself and my partner Dillon are dreaming and preparing to go off grid. We've both lived mostly off grid lives on mainly self sufficient farms. We aren't afraid to work hard. If we don't know how to do it we will figure it out!

We'd also be interested in finding a work trade type situation or plontonic friends to go off grid with

We are looking to add another female to our relationship. Someone who has similar views and goals as we do.

We are both very open minded and down to earth people who don't want to deal with society. We don't keep up on world news, politics etc.

We live in the north west USA and want to stay here, currently looking at land in Montana, Oregon and Wyoming. Loving animals, gardening and mountains are an absolute must!

We'd like to find someone who is as devoted to the life style as we are. Someone who is fully committed to being self sufficient. We love isolation but would also like to be
at least within an hour of a town for grocery runs etc.

We want to find a perfect fit, Someone we can have an equal 3 way relationship with open communication and emotions expression.

We want to live happier healthier loving lives!!
11 months ago
Hi there! I am curious if you'd be interested in a "work trade" type situation. I myself am F 22 and I am married to M 26. We are looking to officially get off grid. We both have grown up on semi off grid farms. We have the do it ourselves attitude and have tons of self sufficient experience, however having someone who has even more knowledge and experience to learn from would be a huge plus.
11 months ago