Deborah West

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since May 06, 2024
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At 53 years young, I have likely perfected the art of independence and self-sufficiency. And while flying solo can be empowering, it's only natural to crave companionship and connection. Searching for that special someone can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, but I fear not - I know there is someone out there somewhere, perhaps just taking their sweet time to make an appearance. I embrace this journey with humor and grace, knowing that the right partner will enhance my already amazing life, not complete it. So keep shining bright in your individuality because when we find each other it will have been well worth the wait. Cheers to us and our unwavering quest for love!
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Recent posts by Deborah West

Your plans sound great and well-thought out. I am able and willing to do anything necessary for b the success of the community. I have skills but the knowledge is an on going process to which I am committed in order to live a self-sustainable life.

Are you looking for anything specific in regards to labor and knowledge contribution? Do you have any idea of where you would like to build?
9 months ago
I would be very interested in your community. Initially, I wanted to start my own community but circumstances have not allowed for it. Nonetheless, it is important for me to live the permaculture lifestyle with like minded folks.

I am learning about permaculture but I am not an expert. I am, however, a hard worker and can do a variety of things like carpentry, cooking, cleaning, canning, sewing, any kind of yard work, to name a few.

It would just be myself and my dog, if they are allowed. He is a 70 pound male Catahoula. He is the love of my life and my constant companion. He is 4 years old and neutered but he still acts like a pup. He is well behaved, listens well, and loves interacting with people. He is a character.
9 months ago
It doesn’t appear that there has been a post for over a year. Are you all still accepting others to your community?
9 months ago

Hello all! I was here once, long ago, and I’m back. That said, things have changed so much that now I’m not sure if I’m doing this right. Forgive me if I’m not, please.

I am single and after several years, I am looking to retire that status.

I am currently existing in the state of Arkansas—a place I would rather not be. I have lived many places during my life, enough to know this isn’t where I want to remain until I die. The sooner I leave this most inhospitable place, the better.

I have endured personal tragedies that have taught me a whole lot about life in general, but particularly about the life I had before those tragedies. My perspectives have changed in nearly every facet of life. My arrogance was replaced by humility in the areas it was lacking.

It was because of those events in my life that I chose to be single. While emotional isolation betrays nature, sometimes it is necessary to take a break, step back, and objectively re-evaluate. I have done this ad nauseum.

I’m stepping out to rejoin society, but not as a whole. I only want to surround myself with like-minded people as such as possible.

I will respond and post when prompted. To learn more about me, though, you can visit my personal website. I decided to build this site when my fingers became tired or my voice became weak from repeating myself so often. The stories I tell are old news to me and have become tiresome to regurgitate over and again.  

Some people would rather get the listicle version or be able to pick and choose what they want to know—for better or worse. This way, anyone can know what they would like to and at the pace they choose. Don’t be too disappointed, if you visit. Much like me, it is a work in progress.

It may sound like a lazy and impersonal way to do things, but it also accommodates my health issues and is there when my environment doesn’t allow me to be present.

Have a great day!  Deborahgwest. Oh yeah, the password is debgwest.

9 months ago