deannagay brown

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since Jun 03, 2024
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Recent posts by deannagay brown

hello all.  i have planted desert willows purchased from nurseries in the arid desert of southern utah, and the seeds volunteer readily in areas next to large rocks or rain runoff.  while i have not eaten the prolific seeds, the blossoms attract hummingbirds, and local wildlife does collect and eat the seed.  with your inspiration i will increase seed planting - they are taprooted plants and might do well to foster other trees.  honey mesquite and screwbean mesquite also do well here, resistant to both heat and cold.
9 months ago
for people interested in straw and clay construction, check out the Canelo Project.  Bill and Athena Steen, and now their sons have been doing straw and clay construction for years including earthen floors and cob walls/benches, and using natural clay finishes to paint and plaster walls.  they are a great resource.  
9 months ago