Bill Carson

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since Jul 08, 2024
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Judy Bowman wrote:How's she doing today?

Hi Judy, (and all the other kind folk that responded to this thread). Thank you for your input!
We are confident there are no more piglets inside. She seems to be doing well, eating and drinking plus caring for the two little ones.
It's possible that is all she had, or else we came late to the party and she had already dealt with sick, weak or stillborn.
We did witness her eating a placenta, and now feel she may still have had some placenta remaining, ergo the signs of labor still at the time.
We kept her energized and hydrated with a water and molasses mixture.
Since we had to go internal, even though we tried to be as clean and sterile as possible, we are administering oregano oil and teatree oil in her water.
Contacted the vet this morning to try and get some antibiotics. They will call back later with an answer.
I know they are "funny" around here about giving out drugs without the animal being checked first, but in this case, since it is a precautionary measure, they may relax on that for us. So far momma and the two babies seem to be doing okay. Damn, they are cute, lol. Two girls.

8 months ago
We are new to pigs. Have two pregnant gilts (kune kune x). One gave birth yesterday evening but had only 2 piglets. She is still laying down and 12 hrs later still no more piglets. Went inside up to elbow and could not feel any more piglets. She took molasses and warm water yesterday, but not interested in more this morning.
Grunts when she hears us and allowing the two piglets to feed. Any tips, advice, or insights please?
8 months ago