Last Friday morning, I went to go feed my chickens. When I got out to the coop, I found feathers everywhere, and one of my chickens was gone.
Just yesterday (Tuesday), I went to take care of them in the morning and found another one of my chickens with its head ripped clean off (pictures below).
In both cases, I think the victim hen was sleeping outside of the coop, but still underneath a covered portion of the run.
Any idea what the culprit predators are? (I was thinking weasel, but I'm certainly no expert). Any ideas how to prevent further episodes?
Also, from around the time the first hen was killed, my other hens have stopped laying completely. I live at 48 degrees north, so I was expecting a decrease in egg production in winter, but in previous years they didn't stop laying completely. Could they possibly be traumatized by the attack(s)?