Logan Melton

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since Jul 31, 2024
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Middle & West TN - Zone 7B
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Recent posts by Logan Melton

I sold lighting products for 13 years and I can tell you that an electrician can make good money and a great electrician is impossible to find. Your knowledge from home inspection will pay off. While you're doing inspections, pay attention to how things are wired, what breakers they're on, etc. When you see something above and beyond, incorporate it into your work. When you see fire-risks, report it and never do that.

If you focus on residential, get ready for some weird requests. You don't realize how disconnected people are from reality until you get into their homes.

I'm a web and iOS app developer and can't find work in either of those, so don't feel bad. The industry is in the midst of a major reshuffling that started during covid and hasn't quit since.
4 months ago
Here's two dome kits that you could check out. I've talked with both and they're all pretty cool folks. Very helpful.


4 months ago
I don't really have a type, but here's a few qualities that I'm looking for in a person: compassionate, passionate, loves critters of all types (I'll give a pass on spiders and snakes), intelligent, curious, open with their feelings, will call me out on my bullshit, but more than anything, willing to be a partner.

As for a few of my "selling points", I love, love, love growing plants. Annuals, perennials, tropicals, natives, edibles and weird/rare shit, all of it (ask me about my cacti). I can cook like a motherfucker. I play a few instruments. I value personal growth in both knowledge and character. Not vanilla. I swear a lot, but am trying to be PG-13 here. I don't drink. I can, I choose not to. I'm an ally of all marginalized folks, POC, LGBTQIA+, and the disabled. I'm not any of those things and I refuse to budge an inch on anything short of full equality for all. For any marginalized group not mentioned, they're included.

I'm in the process of building a home out in some woodlands of West Tennessee. I've gone camping out there a few times and have been trying to get things prepped for all of the work that's going to have to be done, site clearing, basement foundation, septic installation, house building, and then forest gardening and forest management. And when I'm out there, quiet, listening to nature, I feel the most peace of mind, of heart, of soul that I could imagine a person could feel. It's hard to twang a guitar out there because it'll break the silence. You've heard of "awkward pauses", I'm looking for someone to join me in the "comfortable quiet"' where we hold hands, read our books, and only letting go of either to drink our coffee/tea.

It's funny. I've talked with a lot of people in the homesteading and permaculture community and most folks fall into one of two categories: A. Right-wing preppers, B. Left-wing hippies. Both share the view that things at large are messed up and both feel the need to remove themselves from the consumer driven culture of modern times. The point of disagreement is how we found ourselves in this mess and what can be done to fix society. I'm somewhere in the left-of-middle between the two. Truth be told, I have a lot of conservative friends and wouldn't trade them for anything. I don't want to live in an echo chamber. I like ideas, new ideas, or rather new to me.

I'd like to think that the statements above give a pretty accurate picture of how I approach things. I don't let my world view color my assessment of facts, I let the facts determine my world view.

As of now, I'm planning on it being only my kiddo and myself. Kiddo will be out of high school and probably in college and I'm not sure where they plan on being most of the time. I'd rather not have any more kiddos. If you have them I'm cool with that, but I have one and that's enough for continuing my genetic line.

That said, having the right person join me would make everything much more... everything. If we share a common world view, but differ enough to be able to help each other grow and encourage each other to strive to be better, holler at me. If not, why not, I can be good for a lark.
4 months ago
For Sale or Trade

After installing new pickups and professional set up, total final cost was around $1400. I'm willing to sell for $800 or trade for needed farming/forestry hardware.

Guitar has never been gigged with and has only travelled to get price quotes. No scratches, dings, or abrasions of any sort. Includes gig-bag and original maintenance tools. If you're a fan of crunchy metal, this is the guitar for you. If not, it's rings clean as a bell.

If you're interested, but not familiar with or are intimidated by the Floyd Rose Tremelo, I'll be glad to show you how to re-string, tune, or block it off for a static bridge feel.

I live in the Nashville, TN area but will travel a reasonable distance.

Here's a few things I'm willing to trade for, not all inclusive, so if you're interested, make your pitch. I'm somewhat reasonable.
- IBC Totes or other large water storage containers
- Water distillation systems, better if can double as herbal distillation / moonshine still
- Rainwater catchment systems
- Garden irrigation systems
- Live plants and seeds (Zone 7b)
- Not right now, but in the near future, goats
- Tools & small storage shed
- ? Whatchu'got ?
4 months ago
I have a guitar that I've been trying to sell, PRS SE-24. Would that be allowed?
4 months ago

Logan Melton wrote:Tomorrow I'm meeting with the County Property Assessor to finalize site selection and septic placement (septic is against my wishes, might I add, but State Law don't give a damn about what I want or what is reasonable).

I have no idea what questions to ask and I'm prepared to walk into the woods with a near stranger like an idiot. But I'd rather not.

What are some considerations, questions, or general concerns that I should bring up?

Follow Up:
I met with the feller and used to cause a lot of trouble with one of his cousins. Turns out that he was not there in his role as a county assessor, but as the owner of a septic installation and servicing company.

Upside, where the site for the house is has plenty of room to place a septic tank/field lines and will not disturb any of the fox/armadillo/other dens that are around the property.

Downside, I stepped in a fire ant mound and still have to install a septic tank.
5 months ago

greg mosser wrote:what state are you in, logan?

The property is in Decatur Co, TN. Literal spitting distance to the river, when the water's up.
5 months ago

Nancy Reading wrote:is that site selection for a house? or just the drainage - I'm guessing it must be for a house!

It's both. Where the septic goes, the house will be near by and vice versa.
5 months ago

Pete Podurgiel wrote:
I find it odd they are sending out an 'assessor'. Typically the Town Sanitarian or health department reviews these sort of things.

It's a real small county, less than roughly 13,000 total population. There's the dubious conflict of interest since the Assessor also owns a backhoe and septic installation/service company, but let's ignore that part for a moment.

Thanks for the guidance!
5 months ago
Tomorrow I'm meeting with the County Property Assessor to finalize site selection and septic placement (septic is against my wishes, might I add, but State Law don't give a damn about what I want or what is reasonable).

I have no idea what questions to ask and I'm prepared to walk into the woods with a near stranger like an idiot. But I'd rather not.

What are some considerations, questions, or general concerns that I should bring up?
5 months ago