Greetings in Jesus name.
It is very interesting post.
Joshua I cannot find your website. I would like to know more about you, and how far you are in building up christian community.
If I undarstood you properly you receive all children as a blessing. We believe the same. We have 5 little children, which they are great blessing.
I try to follow Christ and I believe real way for Christian is when we take cross and deny ourselves, loving neighbors and enemies, no gathering treasures on the earth.
''And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.'' 1 John 2:3
Great commandment from the Lord is to love one another.
I think in many different movements were and are people who love Christ and Holy Spirit is leading them to this understanding.
I think this things are very important. Also I think when we can is good to be self-sufficient and to live more naturally.
We are looking for this possibilities. I will be very happy to meet people who are looking for the same.
May God bless you.