alex caldwell

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since Oct 14, 2024
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Recent posts by alex caldwell

BEL Post 13

To start the day i cleaned the shop while Matt worked on his greenwood chair.

After spending about 3 hours cleaning up I spent the remaining hour investigating which parts on the Planer needed to be replaced to get it working, where to get them from etc. Unfortunately the copper bearings were so worn into that the gears began to eat into the metal plate and one of the gears had the teeth worn out entirely. Looking up the price of the parts it's about $100-$150 for the chance of getting the planer working. So I'm not sure it's worth the cost. If i can find a used one that's in good condition with a bad motor then there's better chance of getting it working without dropping half the price of the planer on it. I did find one on Facebook Marketplace for $75 but with shipping costs i'd imagine the price would be similar. Requires further investigation and a decision on whether it's worth repairing or better off replacing.

For the second half of the day we investigated the ice making tray again as we noticed a missing bar for it in the repair video. Looking at the schematics in more detail it does look like it's missing it, but it only holds open the door for the crushed vs non-crushed ice open. It's missing a few other parts which would all add up to about $100+ for repairs and some are no longer produced. As the machine is lacking the button for the crushed ice we crafted a woody bit to replace the lever that keeps the door open. As i thought the door was jamming the auger's pushing capability and making it more likely to break we left it in the open state.

For the final bit of the day we investigated a leak in the shop that's coming from the seam in the roof of the shop where the Batch Box RMH vents out. Matt noticed some water under it and we found that it's likely the seam that's the culprit. It may be a source of water getting into the shop, but there may be others. We're going to take a look tomorrow after the snow melts a bit more.

Then we shoveled some snow around the shop on the side that's adjacent to the berm to make the path easier to walk for when Elliot comes next week when we're working on the sinking end of the Berm shed.
2 weeks ago

Lorrie Adams wrote:It's 11F out, so I'm not sure. I hope the potato is settling in okay.

He's Potatoing 🐾

Not much warmer here usually but hitting the 40s this week so hopefully improving.
2 weeks ago

Lorrie Adams wrote:Wow Alex, you've been busy!

Hey Lorrie, very much so, hope it's warmer there than it is here
2 weeks ago
BEL Post 12

Not too too much different things today, but long projects.

Today was a half-arse holiday for Round Wood so we felled a greenwood tree to use for a greenwood to drywood joinery.

Check out Matt's BEL thread for more details on the chair he's making.

After we felled and prepped a greenwood tree for the second half of the day we did about an hour of cutting logs in Arrakis as well.

After lunch i spent the next 3 or so hours working on a cat bowl fix, but ended up scraping it due to not liking how it turned out. Going back to the drawing board on how i'm going to approach it. I think i'll do notched slots for the wood as i used a screw in the last design. Tried making something with greenwood, used a variety of hand tools and mechanical tools as well.

After the day was out Matt made a top tier pizza which we all partook in.
2 weeks ago

Craig Soderberg wrote:Dear Sir,
I would like to ask about the "turnkey permaculture paradise for free to one person"
The cost is $100 for one person and $200 for 2 people.
What about kids ages 5 and 12?
Are there other costs?
What is the time commitment we are expected to contribute?
I could not find this info on your two sites below.
Please send me more info to craigggg at gmail dot com

Hey Craig,

I'm not Paul but I can provide some information as a 'Boot'. Basically you'd be participating in the bootcamp where the time commitment is 40 hours per week per adult. The idea is anyone who participates in the bootcamp for 4 years by joining the bootcamp by March is open to receiving the offer that you see in this thread.

More information on the bootcamp can be found on this thread:
Bootcamp Thread

As a 'Boot' you'd be doing a variety of Pemaculture related experiences and live a Permaculture oriented lifestyle.

You can see more information what former people who have participated in the bootcamp have experienced through their bootcamp experience logs below:
BEL Thread
2 weeks ago