alex caldwell

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since Oct 14, 2024
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Recent posts by alex caldwell

r ranson wrote:Interesting stuff.  This guy reminds me of the good stuff from Spinoza.

Although, I find it tricky to follow when I can't get a clear definition of some of the words as they tend to have different meanings in different context.  It's more a problem with my learning style.  Is there a glossary somewhere?

For philosophical terms that were not created by Roy, I recommend the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

A lot of terms are defined in the sub-notes in The Order of Natural Necessity book.

I might put together a glossary of terms after I'm finished reading the Natural Necessity book, if someone hasn't beaten me to it.
Due to abbreviations my pictures were removed 😭😭😭😭

reposting pictures here (for the third time)
BEL post 6

We started the day by heading up to the lab. Checked the pump again for a deeper look. we removed the switch to see whether it was causing the issue. Turns out it's the pressure switch that's causing issues, the little flat white plastic bit. We can manually tap it gently and it will start building pressure and running the pump.

Either the pipe needs to be cleaned out of gunk or the switch went bad. We'll try cleaning it out the connecting pipe below the pressure switch to see if that will fix it. If you saw what happened with the insinkerator then it's likely calcium buildup again.

I took the chance to clear off the solar panels a bit, despite batteries being in good condition and holding a good charge.  A bit too short to reach the top ones without a ladder.

Got two more sections of junk pole fixed up, all the junk pole fence on the half closest to the fisher price house is tided up, but can use a deeper fix with some of the cross beams being warped.

The rock jacks up on that fence line are in need of some TLC and we started removing the rocks from one of the jacks but need to come back to it to fix it up.

We pulled down the junk pole from Roy and staged it up by the other half of the fence to be used in repairs later.

For the final part of the day we continued to work on getting the berm shed staged up for repairs, cutting notches, and setting up flat surfaces for the bottle jacks to life from.

This was all on Tuesday, tomorrow will probably be a video. More to come.

Please send coffee in boot love 🤤🤤🤤🥹🥹🥹🥺🥺🥺

Paul graciously purchased some coffee out of his own pocket for my consumption, but I'm sure to work through it in the next week or two.

Coffee is Life, that is all...
Having studied a bit of philosophy in the past, one think I enjoy so far about this approachable version of Bhaskar's work is 'The Sixth Feature' or 'The Principle of Hermeticism'. What I've found in my philosophical journey is that frequently the philosopher is detached from the reality of being.

The explorations of the mind while enjoyable, do naught to bring in an integrated depth of being in the world, they construct the world through axioms that are built upon axioms which are their core are neglecting 'The Third Feature', which is to say, they neglect the experience from an internal state of being, the truthiness of not just our subjective interpretation of the world, but also our being in the world and how that state of being in the world as well as being of the world is shaping to our experience of creation within the world.
Giving a read to the 2nd copy of The Order of Natural Necessity that came in today.

Enjoyable read so far, an interesting approach to a philosophical methodology that encourages approaching the world from a non-dualistic way of being.

Just starting the read, we'll see where it goes 🤔
BEL post 5

Days 5-6 + weekend
BEL day 4

As always feel free to give feedback on what you'd like to see more/less of.

Feel free to let me know if there's anything anyone would like to see (or not see)
BEL day 3

Currently day 4, but will post about it tomorrow

Video for day 3