thanks again for the above. Got another query for yall.
I picked up an extra large post drill this week that was locked up. Over the course of a few days I eventually got it dismantled, cleaned to my satisfaction, and put back together ready for action. Looking at the potential BBs under tool care to submit this for there is one for "clean and oil a stationary power tool" and one for "remove rust, clean and oil a hand tool". The power tool one specifically references drill press but my machine is strictly hand cranked though many models of these were made or modified to be belt driven by a dedicated motor or line shaft. The hand tool BB is much more for simple tools not really machines like this. It was likely more work to free up, clean, and grease this thing then a more modern drill press would require. I'd argue this fits more in the stationary power tool BB but am unsure if the lack of motor is a deal breaker. What say ye?