John Haslup

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since Dec 14, 2024
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Hi Dan I think what we are looking at a elliptical arch they have 2 radius points. There's probably more then 1 restoration. It was probably a very decorative dubal door ,that was set first and brick layer on it. The ruff cut lumber in the jams is typical nailors. There is a misconception of how these old masonry wall transfers load. It's not just straight down but at a V shape as well. Example ; cut out a 4' hole you may lose 5 ,4 ,3,2 ,1 brick above. All other things considered? There much more forgiving than would ever believe. I can think of at lest 2 solution to your problem. I do local consulting in the south central pa and md. Area for $100.00 an hour. I in no way except responsibility with out seeing a project. Your consideration in any future projects is always appreciated.  Good luck and please be careful, safe first and LINE UP
3 months ago