Sandy Scarce

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since Dec 21, 2024
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Recent posts by Sandy Scarce

I used citric acid today when I canned wild blueberry pie filling. Citric acid subs for lemon juice  when canning but it leaves no taste behind. One tablespoon of bottled lemon juice is equal to 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. I really like to use citric acid when I freeze dry apple slices and canning apple products. It doesn't leave that funny taste on apple products. Yes it's food grade and I buy it from Amazon. Made in the USA.
5 days ago
Jetted bath girl here. I will take showers but nothing is as perfect as a long hot jetted bath to take the aches away.
2 weeks ago
Please ignore my "report". I accidentally clicked on it while I was trying to find what each button does. I follow a female physician on Youtube and she recently did an episode on women who pee in the shower. She said anatomically women are not built to pee in an upright position and that it damages the pelvic floor. That will result in urinary incontinence. Just thought I would add this little medical oddity to the thread. Thank you for all the great advice I've found reading on this forum.
3 weeks ago