C Shahid

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since Jan 12, 2025
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Matt Gonzalez wrote:

C Shahid wrote:My thought is to check for any utility right of way on your property report. It's something to consider anytime you plant trees in your front yard.  In my area, if a utility company ever needs to do work, they have the right to cut down any trees in the way and do not need to compensate you for them. You'll have to check if that's true for your property.

Thanks for the advice, luckily the power lines are on the other side of our home.

If the water lines run across your yard, as it looks to by the fire hydrant, you'll have to consider buried utilities too.
2 weeks ago
My thought is to check for any utility right of way on your property report. It's something to consider anytime you plant trees in your front yard.  In my area, if a utility company ever needs to do work, they have the right to cut down any trees in the way and do not need to compensate you for them. You'll have to check if that's true for your property.
2 weeks ago
I'm new to practicing permaculture, though I have read a lot. Any advice is appreciated.

I live in zone 3 Canada and love growing pumpkins in my suburban back yard.  The variety that does best is Blue Prince, which is highly hybridized and the seeds are expensive to import from the US. It would be ideal to be able to save the seeds and create a strain or a landrace suitable for my area.

My problem though is area. I usually can only grow 2 to 4 plants a year and depend on getting good fruit from at least 2 of the vines to feed me through the winter (muffins and tarts). I've read about Lofthouse's landrace projects and, while that sounds wonderful, is it practical to try with my limitations?

If I plant the children of Blue Prince, or of Blue Prince crossed with another variety, what are the odds of getting good pumpkins from them in the first year?

Let me know if any of this is unclear. This is my first post here so I might need to learn how to ask better questions.
2 weeks ago