Chickenbone Watt: I would be happy to share a few garlic recipes.
The antiseptic tincture is Dr. Christopher's formula called "X-Ceptic". It consists of equal parts of the following (by weight): oak bark, goldenseal root, myrrh, comfrey, garlic,and cayenne, tinctured in straight grain alcohol. It is an extremely potent topical liniment for cuts and wounds, antiseptic, astringent, styptic, and vulnerary in properties.
The basic cold and flu remedy is a recipe known by a number of names such as "super five", "super tonic", and the like. It is equal parts of cayenne, garlic, ginger, onion, and horseradish steeped in apple cider vinegar. Steep for at least two weeks, strain off and press, and store in dark glass. The vinegar can corrode rubber, I am finding out. Keep the pressed solids in the freezer for adding to chili, if you care to. I take it by the ounce when I feel a cold coming on, or any other infection such as a sinus infection. I take an ounce every 15-30 minutes until I feel well again, which usually only takes an hour or two unless the infection is deeply set. A friend of mine insists that if you take an ounce or two the first time around you only need doses of about one dropper afterwords to finish the job. I can't vouch for that personally. I never want to be without this preparation. It's not as potent as the Anti-Plague formula given below, but it is much cheaper and easier to produce and is very potent and well-rounded in it's own right.
As for the most powerful one I have mentioned, the Dr. Christopher Anti-Plague formula, the recipe is very complicated and would require quoting the entirety of at least three pages of text. It can be found in full in a pamphlet called "The Cold Sheet Treatment and Anti-Plague Recipe" by Dr. John R. Christopher, published by Christopher Publishing. The finished product can be purchased as well. I did in fact make my own, and it took at least a full dedicated day plus some.
To make a short version, you first use apple cider vinegar to extract garlic juice from minced garlic, and using a mathematical formula measuring the volume of vinegar added initially against the total volume of fluid present after pressing off the tincture, you come to a ration of 8 parts vinegar to two parts garlic juice. This is then combined with a 7th power decoction of the following herbs. A 7th power decoction means the herbs are simmered over the stove over low heat for thirty minutes, strained and pressed off, and then simmered down to 1/4 the original volume.
The herbs are:
2 parts comfrey root
1 part wormwood
1 part lobelia herb or seed
1 part marshmallow root
1 part white oak bark or husk
1 part mullein leaf
1 part scullcap
1 part uva-ursi, hydrangea, or gravel root
combine the above ingredients with 5 parts warmed raw honey and 5 parts USP grade vegetable glycerine.
You see, extremely complicated. Completing it in a timely manner before ingredients begin to go off requires having multiple large pots simmering on the stove all afternoon, fancy arithmetics, loads of effort spent in pressing large amounts of herb, and it gets pricey too. It may be worthwhile to buy it pre-made even if you do have the capacity to make it yourself. But once you have it one way or another, it really is invaluable, and it can work very well. It is what I used on my most recent sinus infection, and finished it off in a matter of hours, using tablespoon doses every half hour or so, after two weeks of misery.
The comfrey root is very controversial to advocate ingesting, and anyone with a troubled liver would be wise to think very carefully about how they feel on the matter, and if they choose to do so, should provide liver support concurrently. It's never given me a problem though.
Another garlic preparation worth knowing about is a garlic foot paste. Minced garlic mixed 50/50 with petroleum jelly can be spread on the soles of the feet, not extending to the sides of the foot (not sure why, that's just how I was taught), and covered with cotton and finally an old sock. I have seen this work overnight on some potentially very serious respiratory infection. Petroleum jelly is nasty stuff. I would love to know if anyone has experience with an alternative. I was taught it was essential to use in place of natural carrier oils because it is the only one that is not absorbed into the skin leaving the garlic only. Minced garlic without a carrier oil used in this way, especially kept on overnight, can cause a bad chemical burn. This property has been used advantageously, btw, to treat warts. Chemically corrosive and anti-fungal at the same time!