Ray McIntyre

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since Aug 15, 2010
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Recent posts by Ray McIntyre

A friend gave me one of these which is rusted solid with Sulphur. I am in the process of disassembling it and repairing it but does anyone know of a manual for this beast showing an exploded view of it (preferably online as New Zealand is a bit far for folks to send anything.)
13 years ago
We have the following plant growing in our garden and we THINK it is a mayweed / chamomile. Can anyone i.d. it for me?


With thanks

There does seem to be a double wall but neither spout connects to it. There is just the one internal space.
We wilt nettles in hot water, then dehydrate and powder and add to soups and stews. NZ has both the introduced nettle which is what you are talking about and a native nettle which CANNOT be harvested. The Native nettle is a dangerous, dangerous plant.

Wikipedia entry for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urtica_ferox
14 years ago
A mixture of olive oil & vinegar, 1:1, find a cotton cloth and have a friend / family member gently rub it over the burn.
14 years ago
You could also dehydrate and powder and then add to soups and stews, etc.
14 years ago
Here are the exploded views and hopefully the stuff in the background will give some sense of scale.

True ENOUGH but I would point out that the Steam powerplants devised for cars were / are much less dangerous than those used in Steam Trains or Traction Engines simply because of vessel size and the weight of the vehicle.
14 years ago