Maximilian Smith

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since Sep 02, 2010
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Recent posts by Maximilian Smith

paul wheaton wrote:
Are there organic bee keepers in the missoula area?

I've got just the person you might dig chatting it up with...'ll invite him here, and perhaps...if you guys wouldn't mind, please share the conversations you continue your conversation on both sites...that would be wonderful for all audiences involved with PERMIES and 1KNG Montana...
14 years ago
I'm down to meet up, but won't be in town at least until next Saturday.  I'm living in Bozeman at the moment...

Contact: the girls and boys at the Great Bear Foundation.  They have a starter list (of Rattlesnake fruitful households and volunteers).  They also have a press on site--that is, a block from the footbridge.  Should we need another press to really kick production into gear (if there's a small amount of time or a sizable harvest) we could also reserve MUD's press.

Thoughts?  I'll find 3 young hipsters to join in the fray.  Who else is with us? Greg? Paul? Dianne? Emma? CHCarlson?  Can you each recruit 3 friends?

Destini, do you have time to scout out non-'snake households throughout the week?  My thinking is that with a group of 10, we may make it through 20 trees a day.  And that is a half-assed estimate!
14 years ago

Destini Vaile wrote:
As far as I know, there are no restrictions on picking the berries and I do it when I can. Unfortunately, someone gets impatient for chokecherries and I usually find the trees stripped bare weeks before they even ripen. Otherwise, I have been collecting a lot of information on this subject and am compiling a book for "urban foraging". If anyone would like to work on it together, that would be fantastic. I've looked all over and not seen any books that cover this subject specifically, yet there is great interest.

Hey Destini, I think what you're doing is amazing.  There's another beautiful handbook I ran into earlier this summer--it's from the UK ( 

What do you think about group foraging?  Are you interested in organizing volunteers and events next year around gleaning?  You'd have the support from 1,000 New Gardens (a group I volunteer with) chaps.  We could definitely be your minions...helping to assemble a young army (university hipsters time their arrival in September with the ripening of many fruits!)...and help you and another band do the great dirty work of foraging, pressing, dehydrating, and fermenting stuff during this or next fall season.  It's been one of my dreams to map out all the edible trees and bushes across Missoula.  What a great opportunity to turn some gleanin' events and a map into some serious fun before Peak Oil hits...we need to build up some skills and reverence (culture) around organizing different foraging events and whatnot! 

What do you think about these possibilities?  What other visions do you have of a foraging culture in Missoula?
14 years ago