My quickie notes about CCD:
It is a list of contributors. About a dozen things. CCD for some hives could be caused by just two or three from the list - and other hives will do okay until they rack up all twelve.
In a way CCD is a good thing: people that have no respect for the bee will end up bee-less. And commercial crops that depend on bad bee practices will not get pollinated. But those that embrace good bee practices will have lots of great crops in a time when supply and demand drive the prices way up for the crops (due to the failures from lessor farmers).
The short (and brief) list:
1) feeding sugar
water instead of honey
2) exposed to blossoms from a monocrop instead of a diversity of nectar sources
3) moving hives
4) genetics based on selling skillions of bees instead of based on survival of the fittest
5) insectides sprayed on mites and bees in an effort to kill the mites that are on the bees
6) comb foundation with cell size too big
7) insecticides used on crops
people buying bees that are acclimated to a different region
9) people inspecting hives too often