Leif Kravis

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since Oct 03, 2010
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Recent posts by Leif Kravis

Hi, There are plenty in toronto ravines  apparently they like shady edges and prefer to start fully protected by shade. I see them for sale, forraged and sold at farmers markets occasionally in season. they are our version of tropical fruit, lovely.
6 years ago
There are many people growing gros michel in mixed variety cultivation all over Jamaica, we cut some this past holiday season, when i was last there.
6 years ago
Just wondering if anyone has experience with growing shitake in a tropical environment or do they require lower temperatures? I'm wondering about the effects of high summer temperatures on fruiting. Location is Jamaica.
6 years ago
He is an agro-biz as well as a conservationalist, they are franchising their business model, from what i could tell per their website. Loved his TED talk. His modeled system looks great, i want to know if he can replicate it in other areas, hopefully yes.
I was reading a great article about him about a month back, written by one of the Aussies, though i cant remember which one. He's also got a few African counterparts with very similar stories and results. cool reading, thanks.
Campy, i would suggest you make a cut through one side of your slab  with the grain, an expansion joint if you will, if a plant needs more space the board will break more easily, or perhaps just use it in two pieces and snugged around the plant.
13 years ago
and it's delicious when ripe off the tree , but doesn't taste as good when picked green and ripened, probably why more people don't know about it.
13 years ago
hi Dale, here's a nursery on the west coast with cold hardy bamboo, hope it helps.

13 years ago