I'm looking for ways to encourage them to make a home in my garden.
We had an exceptionally cold and rainy late spring/early summer this year.
Up until recently, my lettuce has been covered in slugs and was being eaten as fast as it was growing. I thought I fixed the problem with beer and cornmeal traps (
https://permies.com/permaculture-forums/609_0/critter-care/slugs ). It seemed too easy.
The other day I saw a huge garter snake slither away.
I'm thinking he/she had a lot more to do with the disappearance of the slugs than a few rounds of beer and cornmeal. So now, I'm looking for ways to entice them to stick around and multiply. I'm going to start by stacking up some rocks and/or cinder blocks for protection from my cat. She's brought more than one of them home unfortunately.
I've heard that snakes hate geraniums.
Does anyone know of any plants that would help or hurt.
Any other suggestions for making a family of garter snakes feel welcome?