Alice Kaspar

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since Jan 19, 2011
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Recent posts by Alice Kaspar

Cheese is dependent on terroir.  The animals who graze mountains of the Alps produce a different flavor of milk and ultimately cheese that is highly valued.
Hello! I live in the Spicewood area, and recently built a SIPS house.

Are you going to build a house or fix an older home?
4 years ago
Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. But, that's me.
She is most likely NOT going to accept the other doe's kids.
11 years ago
Seed balls first. Mulch after. How big an area are you planning?
11 years ago
I think autocorrect got you. I doubt you have a big obstetrical.
11 years ago
If you see pesticide/herbicide application in process, go to your computer and record data such as temperature, wind velocity, wind direction, and humidity. That information is vital when you ask for compensation.
11 years ago
We had the forestry service come in and write a Stewardship Plan for 100 acres of timber in southern Missouri. They had obligations under the plan such as marking the trees to be removed, locating a reputable logger, etc etc etc. After five years of them marking the WRONG trees, remarking, not returning phone calls, etc etc etc, I have terminated the relationship. They work slower than the trees grow, and they only know one method. Harvest trees. They don't know permaculture, they don't know wildlife habitat, and they don't know public relations.

What I did was watch the other loggers working in the area. Found one whose work I admired, as he was careful not to tear up the forest floor, and it was still a forest after he was done. Made contact myself. He's been working for me, as needed, for five years.

Although the forestry service isn't "selling anything," they try to justify their jobs by writing plans and giving advice. I think they all need to go to work as greeters in Wal Mart.
11 years ago
How do you harvest pecans underneath a tree that has understory plants in its nut dropping zone?
11 years ago