John Bickel

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since Jan 23, 2011
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Recent posts by John Bickel

I am having two bug problems and would love any suggestions that do not involve dangerous chemicals.

One is sap beetles,... They are especially bad on and around my bee hive. Would love any suggestions on how to get rid of them without harming bees

Second is Japanese beetles on my young cherry trees. The trees are only about 5 ft tall, so easy to manage this year. I tried sprinkling with diamatacoeous earth, but not sure if that will control Japanese beetles.


Ps: I have some chickens, so any trap methods that I could then feed these bugs to the chickens would be great,
12 years ago
Hey everyone...I could use some suggestions/advice.

I heard Paul on the survival podcast and one topic that was mentioned was not planting fruit trees in a traditional orchard mentality.  Last fall, I planted some peach, apple, paw paw, persimmon, kiwi, and cherry trees.  I have some other trees on order from our State Department of Forestry, including hawthorn, hickory, pecan and others. 

I planted the fruit trees in a traditional "orchard" mentality or rows, etc.  However, after listening to some of the comments, I have a feeling there may be a better way.  Any suggestions for how to mix the plantings of the trees above or general recommendations for how I should approach this.

I have 5acres with some trees already on it, but a lot of open space with grass that I am trying to reduce my mowing requirements.  I am in Indiana (zone 6).

Any suggested links, books, etc would also be appreciated.

13 years ago