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Bull norris

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since Feb 03, 2011
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I moved 5 months ago and brought my rabbits. first i tryed just putting them in the chicken yard and it was working untill they started haveing babys it the litter.
So back to pens , but i left by bucks out to run . i open the chicken house doors to let the girls forage , my red bone will not go inside the house.
but if a buck comes out the race is on until he finds his way back. Joe over at polyface farms has yard pens they use . I think ill try these next.
12 years ago
Check out polyface farms if anyone can do it its them .
12 years ago
this week end i glued aluminum foil to a small satalight recever to see what i could do.
The focale point is off but it gets hot fast.
13 years ago
showed a friend this sight, so today he tells me he put aluminum foil on a small satiallight  dish to see , put a thernomator at focal point and was supprised at getting 275 in just a few minutes . yes some one burned them selfives.  tell a friend.
13 years ago
I have used chickens to clean up turdal shells that i sold.
the old timers would feed racoon carcuses to the chickens in the winter to give them some fat.
I think of them as T rex's
13 years ago
i m looking at the green house thing for worms and rabbits and fish , the north wall is where im thinking about the placement. with the sun helping out on the south?
13 years ago
F N A .  that was great , i needed that today.
wish you could put that on a card.
13 years ago
With my 2 girls 7and 9 , 1 can pee on the run and the other OMG has to make sure everthing is just right. Princesess potty only nothing better be out of place.
13 years ago
The more i think i learn the more comfused im getting.
Im looking at 15 acers in arkansas, all i can think is what would the great Sepp Holster do with this ? 800 feet above sea leavel. What should i try first?
  Im thinking a little bet of everything i can come up with.
13 years ago
I love to heard the little birds. If we buy the new house i may buy some , its just the ground pens i willnot leave alone again . things just happen , but ill do better,i have some new rabbit cages that stack ?
13 years ago