Brent Jacobson

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since Mar 08, 2011
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Recent posts by Brent Jacobson

I work at a scrapyard in Minnesota and we sometimes get a few NICE old pieces with the name Griswold or Wagner on them. most we get have other names on them but i usually save the griswold and wagner. Also we get a few old cast iron waffle makers for putting over a nice gas oven. We are in Farmington if anyone is interested.
12 years ago
I just built a Hugelkultur bed for my asparagus.  I also have one planned for raspberries and my grapes.  Has anyone done this with grapes before?  I hear that raspberries thrive in rotting wood material (what doesnt) but i wasnt sure on grapes.  the grapes I have  I plan to use for winemaking and chicken feed.  The wild grapes on my property grow AWESOME and after they have been fed to my birds, I get to laugh at all the blue poo in their paddock!
13 years ago
I have no experience in fermented salami.  The class I took was more interested in nitrates .  However I would not be too frightened of an all beef salami that isn't cooked.  Do your recipes call for it to be smoked? It might be a good idea to bring it up to 160 degrees just to be safe.  This more depends on the way the animal is butchered.  If you are doing the butchering yourself I would feel more comfortable. This topic has peaked my interest as it seems to be a more sustainable practice than the chemical curing most are used to.  I bet it tastes way better also! Hopefully someone with more experience in this will reply also!
13 years ago
I am new to the permaculture community but am obsessed with it.  Someday winter will be over up her in MN!  Until then, if anyone in here has questions about butchering animals or meat preparations in general I actually went to butcher school and would love to help!  This class does not exist anymore by the way.  shame
13 years ago