laura blair

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since Apr 28, 2011
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Recent posts by laura blair

i haven't built anything yet but i have an old rv range and horizontal propane tank.

i'm thinking of using an iron bed frame and making a kind of cage for the tank so it can be wheeled back and forth to the truck for filling.

for the kitchen itself, i'm collecting beer bottles for a cement/bottle structure.
12 years ago
how timely! i literally just started desert sowing *today*!
12 years ago
annnnd i just found out that there are no building codes for 1 or 2 family dwellings.

who's psyched?

this girl.
13 years ago

Cyric30 wrote:
Laura  in OK, underground housing seems to be a very good ,even more so in the last few days for those living in tornado prone areas. so good luck and good hunting

that's actually exactly what we were thinking.
13 years ago
i'm super excited about underground houses! i've been reading non-stop for the last 2 days. i read the pdf of the book last night (any other birth nerds notice steven gaskin mentioned??)

my husband's dad has 18 acres in rush spring, ok that he's going to let us live on. the property has been in their family for 7 generations but no one has actually lived there since the 30s when everyone moved to yuma, az. (we are in az now. not yuma though.)

the biggest reason we want to move is to get out of the desert and into a place where we can eat real food that doesn't have to be shipped in. no such thing as a dairy farm in the mojave desert!

i can't wait to get started!
13 years ago