Nicanor Garza

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since May 11, 2011
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Recent posts by Nicanor Garza

For all the cynical minded.
6 years ago
If of course if some of you have web links to some of the local projects here in Tuscon or Orovalley, it would be worth my visit to the region, I have been rather keen on finding some kind of local earthworks project out here that utilizes the monsoon rains, so far all I have seen is the result of mass erosion, perhaps I saw on example  of water retention design but not quite flashy enough.
A link would definitely help or perhaps reference to public demonstration sights.
7 years ago
I am currently visiting the Arizona region and am trying to find those who have worked in rain harvesting from either roof runoff or street runoff(similar to Brad Lanchasters works)
I'm hoping to document and share the works in this region with my permaculture community in Yakima of Washington state.
If anyone would like to do a "show and tell" of their works, I would be glad to drop by, for I have 2 free weeks in Arizona.
From what I have heard, Monsune season is close at hand.
7 years ago
This Idea was born out of the idea as to what it may be like to be a bird, this third rendition having multiple scenario's, being both cute, and a bit on the far side.
So what do you think this drawing is telling you?  (constructive criticism welcomed)
7 years ago
This is from a factory where the floor was always wet, so people would always be spitting and making quite a noise when snorting and spitting.
It irritated me so much that  I drew this.
7 years ago
This one literally came out of the cereal box, with of course a funny twist.
7 years ago
Hate me, love me, or take my pen and inks and lock them away.
This is the consequence when you have worked too long with the public and the only voice you can use is your pen and creative abilities.
P.S. be sure to click on picture to get best definition.
7 years ago
the compost heap.
8 years ago
more ingredients
8 years ago
I always wondered how one could grow their own fertilizer just like Paul Wheaton always promoted, and now I understand, that is why there are edges in the garden like weeds, such as the dreaded kochia, Lactuca seriola, burdock, green orach, sunflowers, feverfew, comfrey, willow braches and just about anything that grows without much irrigation, add to that and all the used coffee grounds I get from my pickup service, all the straw and leaves nobody wants and BAM!!! 140 degrees. so far I have noticed when all the edible leaf plants start losing their value as food, I bail them up and its off to the compost.
8 years ago