Triple Kocurek

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since May 13, 2011
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Yes JD Burnette was headed to Texas
10 years ago
I have reservations at Indian oaks for a campsite but seeing that everyone is going to Skinner lakes I will try to resurve another site if needed. We are driving in Tuesday and leaving out Monday morning early.
The reservation office is closed till Monday so we have a little time.
It will be my wife and myself and we could shuttle 2 more back and forth.
11 years ago
[font=Verdana]Cactus pads (nopales, nopalitos) are edible indeed, but a pain to harvest, with or without the thorns. [/font]

It's easier and tastier to pic them before the thorns have hardened but if the thorns have hardened then a quick blast with a "pear burner" (a propane torch made for cactus or weeds) will remove the thorns for harvesting.

For planting in the spring take healthy petals (with the thorns) and bury them 1/2 way upright in loose sandy soil and water lightly once a week as needed till new growth starts.
13 years ago

H Ludi Tyler wrote:
Any plants in the garden will be gone in short order! 

free range chickens that have access to greens on a regular basis will eat the bugs and ripe fruit but for the most part will leave mature plants alone.
13 years ago
just let the chickens in for an hour or so every couple days. any bugs in the garden will be gone in short order.
13 years ago
check the manufactures web site for that model. much will depend on soil moisture and conductivity of the soil.
13 years ago