Chad Ellis

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since Aug 09, 2011
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Recent posts by Chad Ellis

As requested in the email the link and download worked for me.
Brandon and Paul, thank you both so much for the podcast and answers to the questions!
11 years ago
In the videos there were shots that showed hams hanging in the home. It also talked about the butcher shop having to buy refrigerators. I would like to hear about the non-refridgerated shelf life of the products that were made in the videos. Especially things like bacon and ham. Will you please ask him about that?

11 years ago
I'm in central Oklahoma! I have a group of like minded folks on fb in the area. Oklahoma Preparedness Network We would love for you all to join us!
12 years ago
They are around, at least here in Oklahoma. I just got a puppie that is 1/4 Akbash 3/4 kaba dog. They are both considered Anatolian Shepheards. Ther is lots of good info here:
12 years ago
Wow! That is way different than I had imagined thanks for the photos!
12 years ago