This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEM curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
Woodland Care.
Now that you're starting to turn
trees into building materials, let's pay attention to the waste stream of sawmills. One source is slabs of
wood with bark on one side and random tapering widths and thicknesses. One great use is as economical
fence materials. Let's make some slab wood fencing!
Here's one way to do it, this guy didn't have to cut the edges to get a solid
Minimum requirements:
- Make 36 feet of fencing
- At least 5' high
- Tight
enough a softball can't pass through (3.8" diameter)
- No dimensional lumber for the fence, only slabs
- Posts (if used) don't need to be slab wood
- Posts (if used) can't be pressure treated
Provide proof of the following as pictures or
video (<2 min):
- The slabs you're starting with
- Fence posts/supports going up
- Slabs getting installed
- Finished fence with measurement showing length and height