Source: PermanentPublications
Permanent Publications
Patrick Whitefield was capable to undergo this work of revisiting his previous work: the living landscape, in a superb way. Patrick left us in 2015 and this will be his last work and maybe most personal. The book is a recollection of twenty and more years of observation of the Uk landscape. Patrick explains how whole landscapes, including woodland, grassland and moorland, fit together and function as a whole. He delves in depth on specific aspects as wild animals signs, and tree shapes, rocks and soil types. Patrick takes us in a walk through history explaining how the landscape has changed in the centuries depending on its use, from roman times, to enclosed
land and industrial agricultrue. This is a book that helps the casual pleasure walker, the birdwatcher, or the
permaculture designer understand the natural ecosystem.
permaculture design we need tools that help us, guide us, through a complex world of natural interactions, this is the book. Of course it's based on the specific landscape of UK, but it's universal if read in a correct way. Its not only about what actually we see walking down a countryside path in Dorset, it's about having the tools to understand what we see, and those tools once we master them are useful anywhere.
Patrick takes us in a journey, where we feel his gentle voice point out the small detail and large overall view. This is a sort of book that
should find authors for other regions and climates, unique in its kind, that only a man like Patrick could have thought of writing. It's a testimony to his lifelong work of observation, study, and passion.
Where to get it?
Permanent Publications
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