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Paul, Jocelyn and Fred talk about things that have been going on at Wheaton Lab. They talk about Jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes) that were harvested at Basecamp and they cook them. They discuss planting tree seeds and how Paul’s Patreon seems to make it worth cranking out more videos, podcast, and articles. Paul and Jocelyn went to a
workshop led by Thomas J. Elpel, author of “Botany in a Day”. On the way there Jocelyn read aloud Thomas’ kid book “Shanleya’s Quest” and they were thoroughly impressed by how good the book was. Paul mentions that the
pond at the lab leaks and that they need pigs to seal it.
The podcast then moves on to listeners questions that Jocelyn and Paul were answering when they were doing the Sunday walk podcasts. The first question they
answer is about annuals in permaculture and whether we can get most food from perennials in cold climate.
Relevant Threads
Sunchoke fermentation
Fermented cranberries
Botany in a Day
Shanleya’s Quest
The Resilient Gardener by Carol Deppe
Perennial and Forest Based Diet
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Doug Barth
Julia Mason
Tyler Miller
wade L
David Ingraham