Hi Everyone!
I have been recently taking another stab at vitalizing my
residual income streams and in so doing I've been sure to notice that my most successful endeavor in terms of $$$$ earned has been my zazzle account, in particular my best sellers have been my Permies related stuff! This is really exciting to me because i really enjoy the Permies Community and this gives me a great excuse to spend more time on this great site! So, on to WHAT I have DONE.
Well here is what everyone is most familiar with and it is currently the thing that has paid out the most:
My Zazzle Store!
In my Zazzle account i have a wide variety of products and designs available for an even larger variation of audiences. Not everything on my Zazzle Store is Permies related and not everything will fit your idea of a worthwhile product that is worth spending money on, but I hope that there are at least a couple of things that that you find worth your dime in this store. For those of you who have purchased from here before you may notice that I have changed the name of the store since your last visit, this is because i have decided that because of the wide variety of products in the store the name simply does not fit the store anymore. The new name for the store is Twists 'n' Bends, something not so tied to any one idea or another, and as i introduce more of my stores across different platforms/websites you will probably notice that i have kept this name for all of them, i do not currently plant to ever change this name and hope that it will fit my needs, but please tell me what you think of it in the comments below. As i add more products to my various stores and get them running what i consider smoothly then i will create new posts on this
thread with links to those sites as well, therefore this thread will be interactive and ever growing and I hope that the Permies community will stop in and discuss my products and stores with me here, let me know what you like, dislike or are excited to see and I'll be sure to respond as soon as I am able.
for those only interested in my Permies related stuff, i will post a link below to my
Permaculture Section of the store:
Permaculture Category