Hello all,
I'm kinda new to growing things, but I'm getting the hang of it pretty easily. Anyway, so I only want to grow organic fruit and vegetables. But I am looking at buying an acreage in Brazil where I can make it a reality (cheaper
land, assuming better growing weather than South Australia where I am now, and wonderful surrounds).
So I have found a few properties, and they all already have like 50 existing fruit
trees lol. sounds great, but I am assuming that they will have been sprayed with all the standard chemicals all their lives, so I doubt its as good as it initially sounds.
My question: if I were to take over these trees and never spray them again and ideally set up some form of integrated pest management and organic pest controls, would you then consider these trees as organic and the resulting fruits as not contaminated (with chemicals)? Or would they basically forever be inferior as far as healthy organic food goes?
I do plan on going to see the properties and take soil and
water samples to make sure they aren't infused with chemicals and stuff.
any opinions/advice?
PS. this isn't for selling produce, so i'm not talking about meeting specific standards for sale or anything like that.
Thank you