Had an idea today that I want to run by you permies.
I'm getting ready to convert 1/2 my primary garden to hugelbeds. I've had the notion to add to this idea further by using the boxwood worm system
http://www.themodernhomestead.us/article/Boxwood+Vermicomposting.html in the walkways between the beds, I'd have to made the worm walkways 2' wide instead of 4'. I've got a lot of horse owners around me that are only too happy to let me grab up all the manure I want to supplement the material needed for the worms to eat. I then can muck out the worm walkways seasonally onto the other half of the garden, and toss a bit onto the hugelbeds, and raise worms that will be great
chicken feed and maybe even a little side business selling worms.
I like the utility of this idea, path ways are always lost space in gardens, and I like the idea of being able to raise so very many worms on formerly "wasted" space. I'm just not certain it will work. I live in California but it gets cold
enough to frost and even lightly snow here part of the year. I also worry that the hugelbeds might divert to much
water directly into the worm beds drowning the worms. So what do you folks think? Will this work? Has anyone done this or something similar before?