Is simplicity "easy"?
Ha, that is a great, great question !
SHOULD be easy ... don't you think?
Permaculture Homestead is like engineering ... engineering as simple a life as possible?
In engineering the most elegant solution to a problem or challenge is ALWAYS the simplest one.
We moderns really tend to make things complicated, I think.
How can moderns become less complicated (more Simple?)
I carry that phrase from Thoreau ... "IN PROPORTION AS WE SIMPLIFY ..." with me like a mantra almost all the time. When finding myself stumped or frustrated, I often take a deep breath and ask, "What is the simplest solution to this problem?" Often, it may mean NOT DOING A THING AT ALL !!
Is there a TAO to permaculture? I think there is. I like Mollison's idea about permaculture being a "lazy man's approach to agriculture". Seems to me it is always a challenge to engineer the greatest returns from the least effort. Lowest input, Highest return.