jordan barton wrote:Than i hook onto the fence line using house wiring(which is insulated wire) from the energizer.
Just to be really clear here ... you're using standard "household" electrical wire to connect the energizer to the fence. Hello internet, that's not connecting the fence to the AC power in the house! Big difference.
Jordan - how's that working? And any reason you are using THHN or Romex instead of the insulated fence wire? (um, cost & availability?) The catch is that the household wire is rated for 600v, and electric fences can run in the 10,00-20,00 volt range. I'm not convinced that the conducting wire itself is any different or less capable (copper is a much better conductor than steel), but my electrician tells me its an issue of insulation - specifically how thick it is. The insulated fencing wire (for running
underground, through structures, etc) has REALLY thick insulation, maybe 20-30x more than THHN has. The whole issue of insulation as safety is kinda funny because we're trying to energize a BARE UNINSULATED wire, but there are places we want the juice and places we don't so insulation is helpful.
Anyway, I'm curious to hear of any benefits or liabilities you've found in using household wire.