These are from my notes from the Southwestern School of Botanical Medicine... combine with liver supportive herbs, lifestyle and diet:
PRIMARY TREATMENT PROTOCOLS Chronic Inflammation, Auto-immune disorders, Allergies
Prepare a tonic, with emphasis on tea herbs when possible.
Recommend a mineral tea, to be taken 2-3 times a day, prepared fresh each time, using available combinations of Alfalfa, Red Clover,
Nettle Leaf, Mormon Tea, Oat Herb or Dandelion Leaf.
If there is chronic mucosal congestion, add to the above, Oxe Eye Daisy (Leucanthemum), Canadian Fleabane (Conyza), Tickseed (Bidens), Horsetail (Equisetum), Yerba Mansa Leaves (Anemopsis) or Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis)
If there is chronic intestinal congestion, add Canadian Fleabane (Conyza), Walnut Leaves (Juglans), Erodium, Sumach Leaves/Berries (Rhus), Jojoba Leaves (Simmondsia) or Fireweed (Epilobium).
If the skin or joints are the primary reactive tissues, add Betony or Hedge
Nettle (Stachys spp.), Desert Lavender (Hyptis), Self Heal (Prunella), Rosemary, Basil, Lemon Balm (Melissa), Agastache spp., Yerba Mansa Leaves (Anemopsis), Chamomile or Pineapple Weed (Matricaria). Ginger Root may be used if it does not aggravate the skin or digestion.
If the lungs are the primary reactive organs, add Oxe Eye Daisy (Leucanthemum), Horsetail (Equisetum) or Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis), Cudweed (Gnaphallium spp.), Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon), Horsetail (Equisetum), Yerba Mansa Leaves (Anemopsis) or Desert Lavender (Hyptis).
If the liver is the primary reactive organ, add Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis), Cudweed (Gnaphallium spp.), Pussy Toes (Antennaria spp.), Agrimony Herb, Dandelion Leaf, Erodium, Rosemary or Basil.
Vitamin C (1-2 grams daily).
Vitamin E (between 400 and 800 i.u .daily).
Magnesium (usually 500 mg daily).
Selenium (around 50 mcg daily).
Chromium chloride or picolinate (100-200 mcgs daily).
Zinc (25-50 mgs daily...not to used concurrent with NSAIDs).
Omega 3 oils (fish oils, 1-3 grams a day,
Flax Oil, 1-2 tablespoons a day).
Chaparral (Larrea) as a tincture, 30-60 drops a day.
Milk Thistle (Silybum), 3-6 capsules a day, 20% Silymarin, 1 a day.
Mahonia as a tincture, 30-60 drops a day.
Turmeric (Curcuma), 4-8 capsules a day, Curcumin 95%, 2-3 capsules a day.
Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza), 4-6 capsules a day, 20% Glycyrrhizin, 1-2 a day.
Ginkgo 24/6 extract 50-200 mgs a day.
Green Tea 1-3 cups a day
Andrographis paniculata (respiratory or liver) 15% Andrographolides, 1 capsule a day
Coleus forskohlii as a tincture, 60-90 drops a day, 2-4% forskohlin, 2- 4 capsules day (except with low blood pressure or with beta blockers)
Boswellia serrata, 60% boswellic acid, 2-3 capsules a day
Astragalus membranaceus as tincture, 60-120 drops a day, as FE, 30 drops a day, as capsule, 3-4 a day
Desert Willow (Chilopsis) as strong decoction, 3-4 ounces a day, as tincture, 60-90 drops a day, as capsule, 3-4 a day.
FLAVONOIDS Blueberries or Huckleberries, Prickly Pear fruit, Cactus Flowers, Penstemon Flowers, Ocotillo Flowers, Desert Willow Flowers, Service Berries, Salal Berries,
Rose Hips, Elder Berries, Aralia Berries, Mulberries.