Douglas Alpenstock wrote:I wonder if it would be possible to cool the thermal mass of the RMH, using it in reverse in summer. Rocket Mass Cooler?
I feel like this could be a fantastic upgrade to consider for anyone who faces both heating and cooling needs. A seasonal switch-over from storing heat to storing coolth, driven by a fan that could pull in cool nighttime air and store the coolth in the mass,
or it could also be arranged to pull warm daytime air (from a hot attic, for instance) during shoulder seasons to reduce the need for combustion for heat.
The trick is to make it Gilligan-proof, so that it is not easy to overlook that the
RMH is in "FAN-mode" not "FIRE-mode". Especially if it were to be connected via a cleanout, or some sort of bypass apparatus. A flex hose that fed into the
wood feed, would certainly be a simple A/B setup, maybe not pretty, probably cumbersome... but not possible to goof?