I need someone with a strong interest in working hard to start a business and get ahead. This is long, but I hope you read it if you have that interest.
Love is extremely simple, but most people make it super complicated. Love grows over time, all you really need is two people who'll work at the relationship, so it can grow.
I believe the most important thing in life, is to have your priorities straight. Love = priority, so basically this is like saying that the most important thing is knowing what and how to love, and to what degree. What is your first priority, what do you love most. Wha tis your second priority, what do you love second most, etc.
God and God's plan is supposed to be your first priority, and it is my first priority. I have a plan for World Peace, which will save the human race from extinction if it works. This will always be my first priority, my first love. Nothing you can do with ever change that.
Whether the chances of success in my plan or 0.1% or 99.9% is completely irrelavent. No matter what the odds are, a chance to save the human race from extinction is worth more than my life and my life's work.
I know this may sound like I can't or won't love you, but the reality is quite the opposite. What it actually means is that I know how to love. I'm an extremely loving person. Not fake love, with me it's real love, because I know how to love.
I believe in God, but I don't really believe in eternal life in Heaven or Hell. Therefore, I have no reward for doing this. I would love to find someone who is the same way. People who believe in going to Heaven seem to be fakes. They seem to be just pretending to be good, so that they'll get into Heaven. God sees through this, so it won't work.
I realize that kind of person may not exist. I don't mind if you don't believe in God, or if you are Wiccan, or Pagan, Christian, Muslim, or whatever. As long as you are ok with me being me.
I have no interest in a relationship that will drain my resources or time. Love would increase my motivation, and time, so as long as you don't take to much away, that's good. They say behind every great man is a great woman. What they mean is a woman who'll help, encourage, and provide love to give him that extra drive. To give him a purpose in life.
Who's more likely to succeed at any goal? A person who's lonely and barely able to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning, or a person who's loved and has everything to live for? Obviously, the person who's loved has a whole lot more drive, and therefore is dramatically more likely to succeed.
I make
enough money to survive, and I cold provide for one other person if we live reasonably cheap. If she is willing to work hard, she could provide an additional 50 hours a week in to starting a company that we can use to end poverty and bring World Peace.
Getting ahead in life requires working beyond what is needed to survive. Making more and spending less. So by working together, and having twice as much work output, while keeping our spending almost what I'm spending now, we
should be able to get ahead and get a business going. Once it is going, we'll reinvest all the money the business produces, so it can grow and grow.
I'm very flexable on the type of relationship. If you want permanent or temperary, I'm ok either way. Even if you want to bring a girlfriend, I'm even fine with that, as long as there's that commitment to work hard and start a company, and I'm not left feeling more lonely. The extra worker could be great, but I don't want to be a piece of furnature that no one cares about. I'm naturally monogamous and have no understanding of open relationships, so I'm not interested in that at all. No cheating.
The plan requires starting a company, which will create a new system of society. There will be some research and development to get it exactly right, but I believe I have most of it figured out. First though, the focus has to be on producing income.
Unfortunately, this will most likely be done in a small town at first, because I have access to machines that will probably be needed to start the company. I'm an engineer with knowledge of manufacturing, automation, mechanical, electronics and programming. So I tend to focus on manufacturing something. '
Course, you may have some other focus like marketing, that could produce more money faster.
In the future, however, I'd like to live in a rural area growing our own food. Actually, the plan is for the company to do this. I believe it will be paradise right here on Earth, once it is up and running.
I'm not vaccinated for Covid, and never will be, and prefer someone who's the same. Since my entire focus is World Peace, if you'll help me with this goal, I can over look a lot, including that. I love dancing, and would love to learn couples dancing. I love Rock and Roll, and pretty much all types of music except Rap and Hip Hop and those types. Sometimes I play guitar and piano, but I never get very good. I love to sing. I love nature and doing things in nature. I'd love to have you as nature made you, but if makup, perfume, and shaving, make you feel better, I'm fine with that too. I'm a very nice guy, 'course, I'd have to be to be working on ending poverty and bringing World Peace. I'm 54. My 2 kids and ex are in a different country.
I don't want to waste time getting to know each other. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and do it.
I realize this is extremely unlike to find this. People now days want everything for themselves. I believe the ability to love starts with loving mankind. Otherwise it isn't really love. So maybe there's someone out there who wants this.