The Missoulians really strutted their stuff in putting on an exceptional conference this past weekend ... thank you all for your dedication and hard work! Especially thank you to Michael Pilarski for spearheading the event with your extensive knowledge of the hows and whys of putting on such a conference! The venue (University of Montana) was excellent, the food substantial, the presentations information-packed, and the people were especially awesome!
I was very honored to finally meet
Mike Oehler and was gratified to see that he appeared to have met a few kindred spirits during his presentation .... there was much discussion and animated drawing going on as PSP was discussed in detail and options exchanged for the building of his (Mike's) earth-sheltered/greenhouse covered/swimming pool! Jason Lindsay, Kelly Ware, and Sheila Grace were exemplary in stepping up and assisting Mike Oehler with keeping his presentation flowing smoothly. Big thanks to you all!
More thanks to the good folks who brought projectors to loan throughout. Further, I want to thank Madison for her Audio/Visual assistance on Saturday and Jason Lindsay for his huge amount of help all weekend. Jason drove all the way to Missoula from Kansas
City (!!!) and jumped right in to offer A/V help throughout the conference. His efforts and knowledge really helped immensely to keep ALL the presentations and A/V systems going without hiccup. Thank you Jason! Jason really exhibited his giving spirit and can-do approach.
And not to forget the finest
Permaculture spokesman in the WORLD, Paul Wheaton. Paul had a hand in nearly every aspect of this conference and his wit, good humor, and positivity helped form the basis for this outstanding conference. Thank you Paul!
We had a rousing good time this weekend and all the information we garnered, new friends we found, and the inquisitive comradeship we shared continues to dominate our conversations as we return home to new snowfall with a renewed sense of adventure in our
Permaculture endeavors. There were so many more wonderful folks (in fact, everybody!) who gave their all and helped put on this great event that I won't try to name them all, so a mega-thanks to everybody and we're looking forward to meeting up with you in the coming year!
Will Kearns